Johann Konrad Kapp

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Johann Konrad Kapp (born May 25, 1788 in Gerlingen ; † unknown) was a German administrative officer.


Kapp was born as the son of the blacksmith Johann Georg Kapp and his wife Maria Dorothea, b. Müller was born in Gerlingen, where he also received his school education. From 1804 to 1808 he traveled to France, where he was temporarily employed as a private secretary. In 1808 he became a clerk at a communal auditor and at the city and official clerk in Bensheim . From 1826 to 1832 he was a notary at the Thurn and Taxis district court in Obermarchtal and from 1832 until its dissolution in 1849 he was a bailiff and head of the Thurn and Taxis district Scheer .


  • Wolfram Angerbauer (Red.): The heads of the upper offices, district offices and district offices in Baden-Württemberg from 1810 to 1972 . Stuttgart 1996, p. 339