Johann Konrad von Gemmingen (1593–1627)

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Johann Konrad von Gemmingen (* 1593 ; † April 30, 1627 ) was an imperial knight and a descendant of the Steinegg line of the barons of Gemmingen . The epitaph for him and his wife Margaretha Anna von Stein is one of the most important grave monuments in the Church of St. Maria Magdalena in Tiefenbronn .


He was a son of Wolf Dietrich von Gemmingen (1550-1601) and Ursula von Neuneck (1560-1626). He lived in Tiefenbronn.

The three-part epitaph for him and his wife has been preserved in the church of St. Maria Magdalena in Tiefenbronn . The Gemmingen family chronicler CWFL Stocker still knew inscriptions in 1895 with the dates of death for both spouses. The inscription for Johann Konrad is: Anno dm. 1627 died on April 30th, the Wohledel streng and vest Johann Conrat von Gemming zu Dieffenbronn his age 34 years. God give him eternal rest. The inscription for his wife read: Anno dm. 1636 October 16. the well-born Fraw Fraw Anna Margaretha v. Gemmingen drilled Freyin von Stein on Jettingen u. Eberstahl whose disheveled soul God would have mercy. Amen. In recent literature, the date of the wife's death is considered unknown. In 1684 , Augustin Wagner , a sculptor from Horb, was supposed to supply coats of arms made of alabaster for the tomb . However, the delivery failed to materialize.


He was married to Margaretha Anna von Stein († 1636). The couple had six children, only the names of three of the children have survived and probably no son has reached adulthood.


  • Hans Dietrich (* 1620), died young
  • Maria Eleonora (1618–1680) ⚭ Adam von Ow
  • Ernst (* / † 1621)

Individual evidence

  1. Köhler 1998, p. 42.
  2. Stocker 1895, pp. 331/332.
  3. Köhler 1998, p. 42: "Date of death is missing."
  4. Köhler 1998, p. 42.
