Johann Ludwig Knoch

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Johann Ludwig Knoch

Johann Ludwig Knoch (born December 18, 1712 in Sankt Goar , † May 2, 1808 in Detmold ) was a German librarian and archivist.


Johann Ludwig Knoch was born on December 18, 1712 in Sankt Goar as the son of the Reformed cantor Johann Conrad Koch and his wife Anna Constantina von Ixen. He studied at the University of Marburg and from 1733 worked as a clerk and archivist for Count Casimir zu Sayn-Wittgenstein . At the same time, his mathematical and drawing skills were useful for his work in construction. Knoch worked for Friedrich Wilhelm zu Solms-Braunfels from 1736 to 1754 as an archivist, prince educator and building officer. In Braunfels he met Marie Eleonore Schwarz (* around 1720; † May 20, 1797), whom he married in October 1745. With her he had three daughters (Johannette, Dorothea Friederike, Christine Luise) and a son (Friedrich Georg). From July 1, 1754 on, Knoch was employed by the Leiningen-Westerburg family as archivist .

On September 25, 1761, Count Simon August zur Lippe called him to Detmold to take care of the neglected manorial archive. Knoch only accepted the call in December 1762 and moved to the small county with his family. In addition to the archive, he also took over the management of the public library (until 1771), which was then located in the rooms of the provincial school. For his services he received 400 Reichstaler annually, an income that he supplemented with a number of secondary jobs: From 1763 to 1765 he was a master builder and made numerous drawings of the Lippe cities during this time, from 1768 to 1783 he was entrusted with the land surveying, he took over the road commissariat from 1763 to 1774 and the prison commissariat from 1763 to 1801 . Nevertheless, Knoch had to take out a larger loan in 1774 to purchase the Exterde property. In 1781 he was made assistant to Christian Gottlieb Clostermeier . The young lawyer would later not only become Knoch's son-in-law, but also his successor.

After the death of his mentor Simon August, Johann Knoch's working conditions deteriorated. In the government crisis of 1790, he took the wrong side, and because of his old age, he was advised to retire. But he refused to accept retirement, so he was released from service in 1792 and handed over to the public prosecutor's office. Knoch was acquitted by the Göttingen Law Faculty in 1795 and continued to work in the archive until 1804. Johann Ludwig Koch survived his wife, who died in 1797, by eleven years and died on May 2, 1808 at an old age.


  • Wolfgang Bender: Archivist with a passion - Johann Ludwig Knoch (1712–1808) . In: Lippe messages from history and regional studies . 75th volume. Detmold 2006, p. 15-35 . online .
  • Hans Kiewning : Ludwig Knoch (1712-1808). Founder of the Lippe House and State Archives . In: People from the Lippe soil . Verlag der Meyerschen Hofbuchhandlung, Detmold 1936, p. 107-110 .

Web links

Commons : Johann Ludwig Knoch  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Family database NLF