Johann Peisker (philologist)

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Johann Peisker (born July 29, 1631 in Langenbach (Pausa-Mühltroff) ; † February 7, 1711 in Wittenberg ) was a German teacher and poet .

life and work

He studied in Leipzig and Wittenberg and received his doctorate in 1659 as a master of philosophy ("the highest degree in philosophy") . In addition, he dealt with, among other things, Greek grammar and poetics . As an author of German and Latin poems , he achieved the title of Poeta Laureate . In addition, some German hymns are from his pen (including "See, dearest soul ...").

On September 13, 1670 he married Magdalene Trebeljahr (November 9, 1650 - January 14, 1698), the daughter of the electoral food master Martinus Trebeljahr and his wife Salome. Widowed in 1698, he married Elisabeth Hartmann, daughter of the Delitz surgeon Esaias Hartmann, on October 19, 1700.

From 1669 he was rector of the city ​​school in Wittenberg. On his death he left a large library, the catalog of which was published posthumously .

German-minded cooperative

In 1678 Johann Peisker was accepted into the German-minded cooperative and appointed "MitErtzschreinhalter" (co-administrator of the archive). Under his guild name "Der Ungemeine" (ie the special one) he created a list of all members who were initially admitted to the society until 1685, based on information from Philipp von Zesen . After von Zesen's death in 1689, he apparently continued to keep the guild book, because a second edition of the directory appeared in 1705 with additions to further members, increasing the total number to 207.


  • Tabulae ad faciliorem grammatices graecae Wellerianae tractationem accommodatae. Wittenberg 1695 Glückstadt 1704.
  • Institutio poetica, eaque universalis, decem tabulis inclusa. Luck city 1704.
  • The highly prized German-minded cooperative guild, baptismal and gender names, and the place where they were born ... is displayed. 1st edition 1685, 2nd edition Wittenberg 1705.


  • German Biographical Archive DbA I 938, 237–242 (6 digital copies from German reference works)
  • Philipp von Zesen: Complete Works . Edited by Ferdinand van Ingen. Vol. 12: German-Latin leaders. Corporate documents. Berlin 1985, pp. 421ff.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Funeral sermon for Magdalene Peisker:
  2. Congratulatory poem from the Löscherisch family:
  3. ^ Philipp von Zesen: Complete Works. Edited by Ferdinand van Ingen. deGruyter: Berlin 1970ff. Volume 12: German-Latin leaders. Corporate documents. Berlin 1985, pp. 421ff
  4. Online edition: (University and State Library Saxony-Anhalt)