Johann Rebhan

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Johann Rebhan , also Johannes Rebhan (born February 14, 1604 in Römhild ; † September 30, 1689 in Strasbourg ), was a German lawyer and theologian .


Johann Rebhan was born as the first son of the theologian Nikolaus Rebhan and his wife Dorothea († 1640) in Römhild (Principality of Saxony-Coburg ). Until 1621 he attended the Casimirianum high school in Coburg and then studied law and theology - first in Jena and Altdorf, then in Strasbourg, where he was awarded a doctorate in both rights (Dr. iur. Utr.). In 1637 he was appointed professor at the Law Faculty of the University of Strasbourg . From 1644 Rebhan was also provost at the St. Thomas Church in Strasbourg . In 1662 Leopold I appointed him imperial court palatinate (Comes Palatinus Caesareus) .

In June 1639 Rebhan married Ursula Spener († 1667); his nephew was the theologian Philipp Jacob Spener . During his studies in Strasbourg, Spener lived in Rebhan's house and was significantly supported by him.

In 1683 Johann Rebhan acquired part of the Hôtel de l'intendance, built in 1591 on the Pont Saint Martin; In 1692 his extensive private library was transferred to the holdings of the Strasbourg University Library.

Fonts (selection)

  • Hypotyposis et summaria delineatio quaestionis, quae uxor mercatrix (1639)
  • De mulcta (1656)
  • Disputatio de beneficiis iuris civilis (1658)
  • Meletemata iuridica de potestate tutorum et curatorum in pupillos et minores (1658)
  • Disputatio iuridica de cautione quasi usufructuaria civili sive decretali (1659)
  • De iure senum senectutisque privilegiis (1663)
  • De iure sepulcrorum (1665)
  • Nobilem quartarum trigam (1667)
  • Disputatio iuridica de interdictis (1670)
  • De stipulationibus (1671)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ernst Landsberg:  Rebhan, Johann . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 27, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1888, p. 481.
  2. See Paul Grünberg : Philipp Jakob Spener , Vol. 2, Göttingen (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht) 1905, p. 142.
  3. See Jean Frédéric Hermann: Notices historiques, statistiques et littéraires sur la ville de Strasbourg , Vol. 1, Strasbourg (Levrault) 1817, p. 297.
  4. Cf. Rodolphe Reuss : Lettre de Mr Rodolphe Reuss sur les bibliothèques publiques de Strasbourg. In: Bibliothèque de l'école des chartes , vol. 32, Paris 1871, p. 152.