Johann Scheffel

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Johann Scheffel (born September 30, 1501 in Weißenstadt , † February 5, 1554 in Leipzig ) was a German teacher, lawyer , councilor and mayor of Leipzig.


Scheffel studied at the University of Leipzig . In 1521 he acquired the Baccalaureus Artium and in 1524 the Magister Artium. Around 1526 he worked as a teacher at the Thomas School in Leipzig under the reformer Caspar Borner . In 1533 he received the Juris utriusque Licentiatus and in 1534 the Doctor iuris utriusque . In 1537 he was protonotary at the Schöppenstuhl in Leipzig , in 1542 he became a councilor , in 1544 Schöppe at the Schöppenstuhl and in 1547 a member of the court in Leipzig. In 1547, 1550 and 1553 he was the governing mayor of Leipzig.
