Hans Schelkshorn

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Hans Schelkshorn (born June 3, 1960 in Melk ; full name: Johann Schelkshorn ) is an Austrian philosopher and Roman Catholic theologian . Since October 1, 2016, he has been director of the Institute for Christian Philosophy at the University of Vienna .


Schelkshorn studied Roman Catholic theology , philosophy and classical philology at the University of Vienna and at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen . In 1989 he received his doctorate with the thesis Dialogical Thinking and Political Ethics. Studies on the relevance of dialogical thinking for a social ethics with Friedrich Gogarten, Emil Brunner and Enrique Dussel at the Catholic-Theological Faculty of the University of Vienna in the department "Christian Philosophy". From 1990 to 1997 Schelkshorn took part in the dialogue program between European discourse ethics and Latin American liberation ethics, which was organized by Raúl Fornet-Betancourt . The dissertation Discourse and Liberation grew out of this dialogue . Studies of philosophical ethics by Karl-Otto Apel and Enrique Dussel , with which Hans Schelkshorn received his doctorate in 1994 at the Institute for Philosophy of the Faculty of Elementary and Integrative Science at the University of Vienna. In 2007 he completed his habilitation in philosophy with a thesis on the genesis of modernity in the philosophy of the Renaissance and early modern times. Has worked as an assistant since 1990 and as an assistant professor since 2000, and since 2007 has been an associate professor at the Institute for Christian Philosophy at the University of Vienna . The longstanding occupation with Latin American philosophy led him to lecture and research stays in Mexico, Brazil, Argentina and Bolivia. Hans Schelkshorn is co-founder and long-time editor-in-chief (2001–2009) of “Polylog - Journal for Intercultural Philosophizing” ; since 2014 he has been President of the Vienna Society for Intercultural Philosophy (WIGIP).

In 2015, he publicly warned against an alliance of Eastern European churches with neo-right parties.

Works (selection)

  • Ethics of Liberation. Introduction to Enrique Dussel's philosophy. Herder, Freiburg / Basel / Vienna 1992.
  • Discourse and Liberation. Studies on philosophical ethics by Karl-Otto Apel and Enrique Dussel (= studies on intercultural philosophy. Volume 6). Rodopi, Amsterdam / Atlanta 1997.
  • with K. Baier, S. Mühlberger and AK Wucherer-Huldenfeld (eds.): Atheism today? - A changing world phenomenon. Leipzig: Evangelical Publishing House 2001.
  • Delimitations. A European contribution to the discourse of modernity . Velbrück Wissenschaft, Weilerswist 2009.
  • with Gunter Prüller-Jagenteufel , Franz Helm , Christian Tauchner (eds.): Theology of Liberation in Change. Revisions - Approaches - Future Perspectives (= Concordia Monographs. Volume 51). Publishing group Mainz, Aachen 2010.
  • with Jameleddine Ben Abdeljelil (ed.): The modern in intercultural discourse. Perspectives from Arabic, Latin American and European thinking . Weilerswist: Velbrück Science 2012.
  • with Franz Helm and Gunter Prüller-Jagenteufel (eds.): Götzendämmerung? The civilization crisis and its victims. Documentation of the 2nd international workshop "Theology of Liberation from a European Perspective". Aachen: Wissenschaftsverlag Mainz 2013.
  • with Raúl Fornet-Betancourt and Franz Gmainer-Pranzl (eds.): On the way to a just universality. Philosophical foundations and political perspectives. Towards a just Universality. Philosophical Foundations and Political Perspectives. Hacia una universalidad justa. Fundamentaciones filosóficas y perspectivas políticas. Documentation of the 10th International Congress for Intercultural Philosophy. Aachen: Wissenschaftsverlag Mainz 2013.
  • with Michael Hofer, Christopher Meiller and Kurt Appel (eds.): The end purpose of creation. Concerning the final paragraphs (§§ 84-91) in Kant's Critique of Judgment. Freiburg i. Breisgau: Alber 2013.
  • with Friedrich Wolfram, Rudolf Langthaler (Hrsg.): Religion in the global modernity. Philosophical explorations . Vienna: Vienna University Press 2014.
  • with Gunter Prüller-Jagenteufel, Franz Helm (ed.): Sehnsucht Brot. On the way to a global table community. Documentation of the 3rd international workshop "Theology of Liberation from a European Perspective" (Concordia Monographs Series, Volume 64). Aachen: Verlagshaus Mainz 2015.
  • with Helmuth Vetter, Alfred Dunshirn (ed.): Anthropologie der Weisheit. An experiment on the concept of faith in Aristotle. From Friedrich Wolfram. Vienna: Holzhausen Verlag 2016.
  • with Herman Westerink (ed.): Reformation (en) and modernity. Philosophical-theological explorations (Volume 12 of the series "Religion and Transformation in Contemporary European Society"). Göttingen: Vienna University Press at V&R unipress 2017.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ University of Vienna: Johannes Schelkshorn
  2. Hungary: New rights threaten democracy . Frankfurter Rundschau, May 22, 2015
  3. Alliance of churches with neorechten parties? A question of fate for Christianity in Europe . feinschwarz.net, March 3, 2016