Johann von Brabeck

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Johann von Brabeck (* unknown; † before 1632 ) was canon in Münster .


Origin and family

Johann von Brabeck came from the Westphalian noble family von Brabeck , which had its origin in Vest Recklinghausen . He was born the son of Schonebeck von Brabeck and his wife Anna von Letmathe. His siblings Walter , Engelbert , Heinrich and Engelbert were canons in Münster, Speyer and Paderborn.


With the receipt of the tonsure on July 15, 1611, Johann was prepared for a spiritual life. With the revolt to the families Brabeck, Letmathe, Westhoff, Droste, Schonebeck, Ense, Voss and Hoberg on May 7, 1618 he took possession of the cathedral priest of Hermann Spieß. The emancipation fell on July 7, 1621. He renounced in November 1627 and married Johanna Christina Knipping zu Hackfort. The marriage concluded in 1628 resulted in the children Johann Dietrich (* 1629, ∞ Adelheid von Dobbe) and Anna Sybilla (∞ Hermann Otto von Westerholt). His prebend was given to Johann Dietrich von Brabeck on February 8, 1628 .


  • The diocese of Münster 4.2. ( Germania Sacra NF 17.2) The Cathedral Monastery of St. Paulus in Münster , edited by Wilhelm Kohl, published by the Max Planck Institute for History, Göttingen, Publisher: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin / New York, ISBN 978- 3-11-008508-2 , Germania Sacra NF 17.2 Biographies of the Canons, page 19ff. Digitized.

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