Johann von Dassel

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Johann von Dassel, portrait around 1840 (copy from 1930)

Johann von Dassel (born July 8, 1781 in Lüneburg ; † January 24, 1859 ) was a German politician and mayor of justice in Lüneburg.


He came from the family of Dassel and was a son of the chamberlain of Lüneburg Georg David von Dassel (born April 29, 1748 - November 25, 1798) and his wife Dorothea von Töbing (* April 30, 1762 - † April 7, 1813) . His brother August (1784–1868) became a Prussian major general.


Johann was initially a student at the Ilfeld Abbey School , then at the Johanneum Lüneburg . Then he studied law at the University of Göttingen . He took his exam in 1804 at the Higher Appeal Court in Celle and then worked in legal matters for the Lüneburg magistrate. In 1806 he was appointed senator for life. In 1810 he was a member of the prefectural council in the department of the Nieder-Elbe and then worked for the French occupiers. They accused him of hostile behavior in 1813 and wanted to arrest him, so that he fled to the headquarters of Ludwig von Wallmoden-Gimborn near Dömitz , near which the battle of the Göhrde soon broke out. As captain of the Nienburg Landwehr Battalion , which belonged to the Hoya Infantry Regiment of the new army in the Kingdom of Hanover , he was called up in 1815 for the battle of Waterloo .

Although the unit did not intervene, he received an award as a participant. In Nienburg he met Luise von Lösecke, whom he married in 1816. He then returned to Lüneburg as a legal entity. In his house he temporarily took in the later writer Günther Nicol. In 1847 he became president of the court and until 1852 also mayor of justice. Then he was awarded the Guelph Order Class IV. From 1803 he was a member of the Masonic lodge Zum Schwarzen Bär in Hanover. He had about 10 children who moved away from Lüneburg. Like his wife, who died in 1881, he was buried in Lüneburg, where a street was named after him in 1954 (Von-Dassel-Str.). In 1981, a council resolution renamed a section of a street after a meadow formerly owned by the Mayor of Justice Johann von Dassel (Dasselkamp).


He married Luise von Lösecke on March 12, 1816 (* November 20, 1795 - † May 1, 1881). The couple had several children:

  • Alexander Anton Hardwig State Georg August Friedrich (* February 12, 1817) ⚭ 1853 Bertha von Dassel (* January 9, 1817 - † March 13, 1883)
  • Hermann Johann Leonhard Wilhelm August (* May 8, 1818) ⚭ 1855 Freiin Bertha von Minningerode (* December 25, 1825)
  • Louise Charlotte Katharina Henriette Amalie (* July 4, 1819 - June 2, 1854) ⚭ 1847 Adolf von Lösecke (* September 16, 1805 - January 19, 1875), Colonel a. D.


  • Rainald Stromayer: Lüneburg's last patrician Johann v. Dassel (1781-1859). in: Lüneburger Blätter 5, 1954. pp. 5-19.
  • Arnold Grunwald: Freemason - Honored Citizen of the City of Lüneburg . Books on Demand, Norderstedt 2011, ISBN 9783842313064 , pp. 62-69
  • Handbook of the Prussian nobility, band 1.1892, p.94

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Gothaisches Genealogisches Taschenbuch der Nobeligen houses. The nobility born in Germany (Uradel), 21st year (1920), p. 26.
  2. ↑ The Royal British and Hanover State Calendar for the year 1818, p. 228
  3. German Writer Lexicon, 1830-1880, NO, 2011, p. 130
  4. ^ Uta Reinhardt / Wilhelm Reinecke / Gustav Luntowski: Die Straßenennamen Lüneburgs, Göttingen 2007, p. 106; quoted from , accessed on March 17, 2012.
  5. Gothaisches genealogical pocket book of the baronial houses 1890, fortieth year, p.541
  6. Genealogical pocket book of the knights and Aristocratic families, 1879, fourth year, p.314