Johann von der Leyten

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Wing from the family altar (1511) in Marburg's Elisabeth Church

Johann von der Leyten (* around 1460 in Marburg ; † 1530 there ) was a German painter and barrel painter of the late Gothic period.

Von der Leyten came from a respected family of barrel painters in Marburg. His brother Heinrich also worked as a barrel painter. He was best known for his collaboration with the wood sculptor Ludwig Juppe . He was also a temporary builder in the St. Marien church factory in Marburg.


  • Painting of the side wings and setting of the 5 carved altars in the Marburg Elisabeth Church (Johannes altar, St. George and St. Martin altar, clan altar, Elisabeth altar, Marien altar).
  • Painting of the Marburg town hall.


  • Küch, Friedrich: Marburg art life at the end of the Middle Ages , in: Hessen Art 1906.
  • Lemberg, Margret: The winged altars by Ludwig Juppe and Johann von der Leyten in the Elisabeth Church in Marburg. Historical Commission for Hesse, Marburg 2011, ISBN 978-3-94-222513-7 .
  • Neuber, Johannes: Ludwig Juppe, a Marburg sculptor at the end of the Middle Ages , Marburg 1914, pp. 12–15, ISBN 978-1-72-141850-3 .

Web links

Commons : Johann von der Leyten  - Collection of images, videos and audio files