Johannes Ardüser

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Johannes Ardüser 1654

Johannes Ardüser (born February 25, 1585 in Davos ; † March 26, 1665 in Zurich ) was a Swiss mathematician and fortress engineer .

Ardüser was born in Davos and trained abroad. He was in the Neapolitan, Venetian, Swedish and Württemberg services. In 1620 he was given the citizenship of Zurich "in view of his arts", married Elisabetha Ziegler and was commissioned with the planning of the third city ​​fortification , the construction of which did not begin until 1642. He managed the construction first together with Feldzeugmeister Johann Georg Werdmüller , later alone. In 1657 he was accepted into the Grand Council of Zurich as twelve of the Saffran Guild.


Sketch by Ardüser for height measurement

Ardüser wrote writings with mathematical and architectural content.

  • Geometriae, theoricae et practicae: 12 books. Zurich 1627.
  • Geometriae, theoricae et practicae: Or of the field measurements. 14 books. Zurich 1646.
  • Architectura von vestungen: like any other place to invest in a new way. 1651.

Sources and web links

Commons : Geometria (Ardüser)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files