Johannes Baur

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Johannes Baur

Johannes Baur (born December 13, 1795 in Götzis ; † November 14, 1865 in Zurich ) was a Zurich hotelier.


Johannes Baur, a son of the customs officer and innkeeper Johannes Baur, came to Rheinau as a baker's journeyman in 1820 and to Zurich around 1826, where he married Anna Knechtli von Hottingen . First he ran the inn on Kreuzplatz in Hottingen, and from 1833 he ran the “Kirschgarten” inn on Marktgasse in the old town of Zurich .

In 1838 he had the luxurious Hotel Baur built on the east side of Paradeplatz according to plans by architect Daniel Pfister , the first hotel to be built as such in Zurich. The opening on December 24th also caused quite a stir abroad. The Augsburger Allgemeine Zeitung reported on the new “giant inn”, which had “exemplary furnishings”: “1 dining room, 2 salons for dinner and déjeuner â part, as well as for managers à la carte, 10 additional salons, 140 beds, stables for 36-40 horses and a dépendance on the Sihl Bridge with stables for another 50 horses. " With the opening of Baur au Lac on Lake Zurich six years later, Baur became a pioneer in the Swiss hotel industry.

Interested in good transport connections for his house, he campaigned in the early 1880s for the construction of Bahnhofstrasse and later its extension to the lake as far as his hotel, at that time the road only extended as far as Paradeplatz.

In 1859 he and his son Theodor were awarded honorary citizenship by the Zurich city council, and one year later they were accepted into the Guild of Waag . In 1860 Baur was appointed a member of the municipal building committee.

After retiring from business life, he devoted himself to his vegetable garden, which he used to supply his hotels.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Louis Gaulis, René Creux: Swiss pioneers in the hotel industry. Editions de Fontainemore, 1976, p. 198.

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