Johannes Bodaeus van Stapel

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Johannes Bodaeus van Stapel (* 1602 in Amsterdam ; † 1636 ) was a Dutch doctor and botanist .


As part of his medical studies in Leiden , he was trained in botany by Adolphus Vorstius (1597–1663). After thorough studies he wrote a manuscript on the plants described by Theophrastus in antiquity. However, he did not live to see the publication of this work. It was published in 1644 by his father, the physician Egbert Bodaeus , and is one of the fundamental accounts of the work of the ancient naturalist. His colleague from Leiden, the humanist Caspar van Baerle , dedicated a Latin poem to him.

Honor taxon

Carl von Linné named the genus stapelia (stapelia) of the dog poison family (Apocynaceae) in his honor .


  • Theophrastus Eresius. De Historia Plantarum Libri Decem, Graece & Latine. In quibus textum Graecum variis lectionibus, emendationibus, hiulcorum supplementis : ... item rariorum plantarum iconibus illustravit Joannes Bodaeus a Stapel , medicus amstelodamensis, accesserunt Iulii Caesaris Scaligeri, in eosdem libros animadversiones, 16. 44 .


  • GA Lindeboom: Dutch Medical Biography: a Biographical Dictionary of Dutch Physicians and Surgeons 1475-1975 . Amsterdam, 1984.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Carl von Linné: Critica Botanica . Leiden 1737, p. 94
  2. Carl von Linné: Genera Plantarum . Leiden 1742, p. 96