Johannes Jacobus Finger

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Johannes Jacobus finger (* in the 18th century in Niederbrechen ; † 1802 in Wehrheim ) was Kurtrier bailiff and today Finger'sche bailiff-even by the foundation known.

Johannes Jacobus Finger was the administrator and cellar , i.e. tax collector at the official level. He acquired a considerable fortune, which consisted in particular of properties in Bad Camberg , Niederbruch , Oberrechen , Villmar , Niederselters , Ahlbach , Werschau , Niedertiefenbach , Obertiefenbach , Oberweyer and Steinbach .

From 1762 to 1802 he was an electoral trier in the Wehrheim office . Because of his wealth, he was able to lend generously. In 1801, the community of Wehrheim received a loan of 800 guilders at 5% interest. The heirs found two file boxes with promissory notes and found it difficult to collect the claims.

The will written on February 4, 1802 in Wehrheim determined his relatives to be preliminary heirs . A foundation was set up as a follow-up heir, from which scholarships were to be paid for children of both sexes who were born in his place of birth Niederbruch and raised in the Christian-Apostolic-Roman-Catholic religion. The Amtmann-Finger'sche scholarship fund still exists today.


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