Johannes Schröter (printer)

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Printer's mark by Johannes Schröter (Basel University Library)

Johann (es) Schröter (* before 1570 in Schleusingen , Grafschaft Henneberg ; † September 8, 1634 in Basel , Switzerland ; also Schroeter or Schrötter ) was a German printer in Basel.


Schröter became a citizen in Basel on October 20, 1591 . There he took over the workshop of the printer Samuel Apiarius († 1590) after he had married his widow Barbara Schottmann on November 1, 1591 , and ran this workshop from 1592 until his death in 1634. The latest known printed product is an invitation an academic celebration on July 22, 1634 with its imprint "Basileae typis Johannis Schroeteri" .

Above all, Schröter printed countless small-scale writings such as disputations and funeral sermons . He is also known as a printer of the writings of the Basel theologian and polyhistor Johann Jacob Grasser (1579–1627). He also worked a lot for the Basel bookseller and publisher Ludwig König (1572–1641).

From 1610 to 1611 he published a periodical newspaper under the censorship of the town clerk, the Ordinari Wochenzeitung , but appears to have given it up in 1611 because of offensive reports by the council.

In 1618 Schröter set up a branch print shop in Rorschach, which he moved to Ravensburg in 1622/1623 and gave up again in 1631. In this branch he also served Catholic orders.

Schröter's second marriage was in Basel in 1623 with Margarete Zäsinger , who in turn married the printer Georg Decker (1596–1661) after his death in 1635 , who was officially appointed university printer on July 21, 1635.


  • Hans Koegler: The Schrötersche printing works in Basel, 1594-1635 . In: Anzeiger für Schweizerische Altertumskunde , NF 22, 1920, pp. 54–65.
  • Christoph Reske: The book printers of the 16th and 17th centuries in the German-speaking area . 2nd revised and expanded edition. Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 2015, ISBN 978-3-447-10416-6 , p. 96 (Basel), p. 850f. (Ravensburg), p. 863 (Rorschach).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Karin Marti-Weissenbach: Johann Jakob Grasser. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . December 5, 2005 , accessed June 30, 2019 .
  2. ^ Johann Rudolf Burckhardt: The fates of the Basler political and periodical press before 1831 . In : Contributions to patriotic history . Volume 10, Basel 1875, pp. 215-217. Else Bogel: Swiss newspapers of the 17th century. Contributions to the early press history of Zurich, Basel, Bern, Schaffhausen, St. Gallen and Solothurn. Schünemann, Bremen 1973, ISBN 3-7961-3042-9 ( Studies on Journalism. Volume 19).
  3. ^ Christoph Reske: The book printers of the 16th and 17th centuries in the German-speaking area . 2nd revised and expanded edition. Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 2015, ISBN 978-3-447-10416-6 , pp. 850f. (Ravensburg), p. 863 (Rorschach).
  4. Linda Maria Koldau : Frauen-Musik-Kultur , 2005, page 534 ( digitized version )