Johannes Sikkar

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Johannes Sikkar (* 3 October July / 15 October  1897 greg. On the farm Mäeotsa, village Kõnnu , then rural community Saadjärve, Tartu County , Livonia Governorate ; †  August 22, 1960 in Stockholm , Sweden ) was an Estonian politician.

Early years

Sikkar was born as the son of the court leaseholder Hans Sikkar (1852-1921) and his wife Marie (born Sepa, 1870-1945). Until 1918 he attended the commercial school in Tartu . Sikkar took part as a volunteer in the Estonian War of Independence against Soviet Russia (1918–1920) in an armored train unit. For his military services, he was awarded the Turve farm near Visusti ( Jõgeva County ) by the state, which he managed until 1944.

economy and politics

Sikkar first studied mathematics in 1920 , then from 1929 to 1936 economics at the University of Tartu . He graduated with honors. He belonged to the student Estonian association.

From 1928 to 1936 Sikkar worked as the director of a slaughterhouse in Tapa . From 1930 to 1936 he was chairman of the Union of Estonian Dairy Associations. From 1937 he worked as managing director of the Estonian chemical company AS Kemaks . He was also a board member of the Estonian state forest industry.

From 1922, Sikkar was also politically active. He was first elected to the district assembly of Tartu. From 1926 to 1934 Sikkar sat as a member of the Estonian Parliament ( Riigikogu ) . At first he belonged to the "Settlers Association" ( Asunike Koondis ), which represented the political interests of the small farmers. At the beginning of the 1930s he switched to the "Association of Farmers" ( Põllumeeste Kogud ), in which primarily the large agrarians and industrialists had come together.

In the summer of 1940 he openly opposed the (first) Soviet occupation of Estonia. Sikkar tried to run as a candidate in the communist sham elections of July 1940, but was removed from the electoral list by the new rulers.

Prime Minister in exile

In 1944, under the National Socialist occupation of Estonia, Johannes Sikkar took part in the "National Committee of the Republic of Estonia" ( Eesti Vabariigi Rahvuskomitee ) , which was formed underground in February 1944 to campaign for the liberation of Estonia from foreign powers. Before the (renewed) Soviet occupation of Estonia, Sikkar fled into exile in Sweden in September 1944. He settled in Stockholm where he worked as an actuary .

The Estonian President-in-Exile August Rei (1886–1963) appointed Sikkar as the (first) Estonian Prime Minister in exile and instructed him to form an Estonian government in exile . The cabinet officially took office on January 12, 1953 in Oslo . Sikkar held the office of executive prime minister and interior minister until his death in August 1960.

Private life

In 1920 Johannes Sikkar married the future agronomist Hilda Wilhelmine Truus (1900-1995).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Estonian War Museum
  2. Vaba Eestlane from 5 October 1957