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John XVII († November 6, 1003 ; previously Giovanni Sicco ) was Pope for a short time in 1003 (probably from May 16 to November 6) .


Johannes Sicco was born in the Roman district of Biberetica . The house where he was born must have been near the Trajan Column . Not much is known about his origins, only that his father was also called Johannes and that the family presumably came from the Crescenti .

After the death of New Year's Eve II, John was raised to Pope by John II Crescentius on May 16, 1003 and was dependent on him. So it happened that he was prevented by Crescentius from coming into contact with Heinrich II in order to establish good relations with the emperor. Little is known of his pontificate. His most significant official act was the appointment of Benedict as a missionary and his sending to Poland , because with Benedict the Christianization of the Slavs began . It is not known how old Johannes was when he died on November 6, 1003. He is one of the lesser popes in history. Nevertheless, a funerary inscription from 1040 has been preserved, on which three of his relatives are mentioned, all of whom also held high positions in the church. It was a bishop , a deacon and a dignitary of the Lateran chancellery .

Basically with him began the false counting of the popes with the name John. But since Antipope John XVI. had been appointed by the father of John II. Crescentius, Crescentius I Nomentanus , this Pope was of course to him as legitimate.


Web links

Commons : John XVII.  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files
predecessor Office successor
New Years Eve II. Pope