Johannes of Usedom

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Johannes von Usedom , also Johann von Usedom (* 1521 on Rügen , † after 1549 ) was a German jurist and professor of law.


Johannes von Usedom comes from the old Pomeranian noble family Usedom . In the summer of 1544 he was appointed professor of law at the University of Greifswald . In 1545 he was rector of the university. At least until May 1547 he taught in Greifswald.

The Pomeranian Duke Philip I sent him twice to the imperial court because of the participation of the Pomeranian nobility in the Schmalkaldic War on the side of the Protestants, until he reached a reconciliation between Emperor Charles V and the Pomeranian dukes in 1549 . In gratitude he received the Gagern estate on Rügen.

At the same time he was appointed ducal chancellor in Pomerania-Wolgast , but died before he could take office.

See also


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