John Arnold (Bishop)

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Coat of arms of John Stanley Kenneth Arnold

John Stanley Kenneth Arnold (born June 12, 1953 in Sheffield , United Kingdom ) is Bishop of Salford .


John Arnold received on 16 July in 1983 by the Archbishop of Westminster, Basil Cardinal Hume OSB , the sacrament of Holy Orders .

On December 6, 2005, Pope Benedict XVI appointed him . the titular bishop of Lindisfarna and Auxiliary Bishop in Westminster . The Archbishop of Westminster, Cormac Cardinal Murphy-O'Connor , donated him episcopal ordination on February 2, 2006 ; Co- consecrators were the Archbishop of Birmingham , Vincent Nichols , and the Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Westminster, James Joseph O'Brien .

Pope Francis appointed him Bishop of Salford on September 30, 2014 . The inauguration took place on December 8th of the same year.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. NOMINA DI AUSILIARE DI WESTMISTER (INGHILTERRA). In: Bollettino. Sala Stampa della Santa Sede, December 6, 2005, accessed September 30, 2014 (Italian).
  2. ^ Rinuncia del Vescovo di Salford (Inghilterra) e nomina del successore. In: Bollettino. Sala Stampa della Santa Sede, September 30, 2014, accessed September 30, 2014 (Italian).
predecessor Office successor
Terence Brain Bishop of Salford
since 2014