John Baptist Liu Jingshan

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John Baptist Liu Jingshan (born October 24, 1913 in Inner Mongolia ; † February 4, 2013 in Yinchuan ) was a Roman Catholic bishop of Yinchuan (Ningsia, Ningxia) in the Ningxia Autonomous Region of the Hui nationality in the People's Republic of China .


Liu Jingshan, who was from Inner Mongolia, was ordained a priest in 1942 . After Mao Zedong came to power , a period of massive suppression of all religions began. Liu Jingshan was detained in a communist labor camp from 1951 to 1970 . Only after the end of the Cultural Revolution was he released and was able to resume his pastoral work.

In 1984 he took over the leadership of the diocese of Yinchuan, but did not receive episcopal ordination until the age of eighty. He was by Pope Benedict XVI. and the Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association . On December 21, 2007 he in turn consecrated Joseph Li Jing as bishop in Yinchuan Cathedral , who subsequently supported him as coadjutor bishop . In 2009, Liu Jingshan retired and Li Jing was his successor.

Individual evidence

predecessor Office successor
Charles Joseph van Melckebeke CICM Bishop of Ningxia
Joseph Li Jing