John Boxer

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John H. (Hans) Boxer (* 1916 in Vienna ; † 2009 in Zurich ) was an Austrian architect and publisher .

Due to his Jewish descent, he emigrated to the USA via England in 1938 .

From 1945 onwards, as an officer in the US Army , Boxer was involved in rebuilding a democratic press and publishing system in many cities across Germany.

He was an employee of the Information Control Division (ICD), which was responsible for the cultural development in the US zone of Germany in the post-war years. In 1945 Boxer recommended license holders for new newspapers and publishers to be founded, so he transferred the license for the Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung to Theodor Heuss .

John H. Boxer was one of the guests at the ceremony for the famous speech by US Secretary of State James F. Byrnes in the Great House of State Theaters and was one of the advisors to US High Commissioner John McCloy .

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