John Crane

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John Crane (* approx. 1956 ) is an American government official who was dismissed from service for his work for the whistleblower Thomas Drake .

John Crane graduated from Northwestern University and received his bachelor's degree in 1980. He then worked for Republican Congressman William Louis Dickinson , who advocated the establishment of an Inspector General in the United States Department of Defense . When the Department of Defense Inspector General (DoD IG) was created in 1982, Crane became its assistant and set up a hotline for whistleblowers.

The NSA -Staff Thomas Drake turned around in 2005 with a complaint of surveillance of US citizens by the NSA to the DoD IG and asked according to the Inspector General Act of 1978 to protect its anonymity. When his supervisor tried to violate Drake's anonymity and reveal his identity to the Justice Department, Crane spoke out against it. He was then dismissed from the Ministry of Defense. Since then, he has been trying to get him reinstated in the civil service.

The violation of Drake's anonymity by the US state authorities seems to be the real reason why Edward Snowden turned to abroad.

In 2015, Crane received the Joe A. Callaway Award for Civic Courage .

John Crane's maternal grandfather was the German General Günther Rüdel .


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