John D. Ray

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John D. Ray (born December 22, 1945 ) is a British Egyptologist and professor of Egyptology at the University of Cambridge .


John D. Ray is Sir Herbert Thompson Professor of Egyptology at the University of Cambridge and Fellow at Selwyn College . He has been working and teaching in Cambridge since 1977, having previously worked in the Egyptian Antiquities Department at the British Museum and the University of Birmingham . Ray has also been a visiting professor at Chicago and Yale Universities. He is a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London and the British Academy and was a member of the Egypt Exploration Society committee until 1999 .

In addition to his Egyptological work, he made a significant contribution to the deciphering of the Carian script .


  • The Archive of Hor (1976)
  • Reflections of Osiris: Lives from Ancient Egypt (2001)
  • Demotic Papyri and Ostraca from Qasr Ibrim (2005)
  • The Rosetta Stone and the Rebirth of Ancient Egypt (2007)

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