John Lemoinne

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John Emile Lemoinne

John-Marguerite-Émile Lemoinne (born October 17, 1815 in London , † December 13, 1892 in Paris ) was a French publicist .

Lemoinne (spr. Lömoann), son of French parents, entered the Journal des Débats in 1840, first as an English correspondent, and subsequently became its most valued political editor.

The caustic sharpness of his pen is just as proverbial in the Parisian daily press as the suppleness of his political character, which has gone through all the many transformations of the governing body of the French bourgeoisie , which he also presides, with playful ease.

In 1876 he was appointed to Jules Janin's place as a member of the Académie française , and in 1880 as a senator for life. Some of his articles, some of a political and historical content, some of a biographical nature, appeared collectively under the title Études critiques et biographiques (1852) and Nouvelles études (1862).


  • Les Élections en Angleterre, lettres publiées dans le "Journal des débats" . Paris: J. Hetzel, 1841
  • Les Anglais dans le Caboul . Paris: au bureau de la Revue des deux mondes, 1842
  • Affaires de Rome . Paris: E. Blanchard, 1850
  • Letters of John Lemoinne [on the Exhibition held in London in 1851]. In: Lardner (D.) The Great Exhibition, etc. 1852
  • Études critiques et biographiques: Études critiques: Shakspeare, l'abbé Prévost, Goethe ...; Études Biographiques: Brummel, O'Connell, Robert Peel, Haydon, Chateaubriand ... . Paris, 1852
  • De l'intégrité de l'empire ottoman . Paris: M. Lévy frères, 1853
  • Le Passage du Nord . Strasbourg: Treuttel et Würtz, 1854
  • Nouvelles études critiques et biographiques . Paris: Michel Lévy frères, 1863
  • Histoire de Manon Lescaut et du chevalier DesGrieux par l'abbé Prévost. Nouv. éd. précédée d'une étude by John Lemoinne . Paris: Levy, 1900


  • Eugène Labiche ; John Lemoinee: Discours de reception de ME Labiche. Réponse de M. John Lemoinne . Séance de l'Académie française du 25 November 1880. Paris, 1881.
  • Ludwig Spach: On the history of modern French literature . Essays by Ludwig Spach. Strasbourg: KJ Trübner, 1877.

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