Jon Nuotclà

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Jon Nuotclà (born January 15, 1934 in Felsberg GR , died on August 5, 2017) (Rhaeto-Romanic Favugn ) is a Swiss writer who publishes in Vallader and German. Nuotclà grew up in Ftan . He completed the primary school teacher seminar and later also acquired the higher teaching degree. He then taught for a few years and did his doctorate in biology at the University of Zurich . Since 1970 he has been a biology teacher at the Bündner Kantonsschule in Chur. He began to publish fiction relatively late, since 1981.

Works (selection)

  • Il sunteri da nanins / L'öv dal ravarenda. Two novels. Chasa paterna, Lavin 1984.
  • Il gö cul dòdò. Stories. Ediziun da l'Uniun dals Grischs, Celerina 1987.
  • Il tunnel. Novel. Ediziun da l'Uniun dals Grischs, Celerina 1991.
  • Gös da pussanza / Il scrign da Sepp Müss / Teater a Chatratsch. Three plays. Chasa paterna, Lavin 1991.
  • Chalavaina-Chalavaira. Gö liber per la festa commemorativa "500 ons Chalavaina" . 1999.
  • Ün pitcher impach. Play in four acts. (In Vallader). Lia rumantscha , Chur 2001.
  • Istorgias / stories. Ediziun Il Chardun, Tschlin 2001.

Web links


  • G. Deplazes: Funtaunas, Istorgia da la litteratura rumantscha per scola e pievel. Volume 4, Lia Rumantscha, Chur 1993.