Jordanita Fazekasi

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Jordanita Fazekasi
Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Family : Ram (Zygaenidae)
Subfamily : Green ram (Procridinae)
Genre : Jordanita
Type : Jordanita Fazekasi
Scientific name
Jordanita Fazekasi
Efetov , 1998

Jordanita fazekasi is a butterfly fromthe ram family (Zygaenidae).


The males reach a fore wing length of 12.5 to 13.1 millimeters, information on the wing length of the females is not yet available. The upper sides of the forewings shimmer green, the hind wings are gray. The sensors consist of 42 to 51 segments.

The males have a very long ventral process on the saccule . The aedeagus is about five times longer than it is wide and has a short, straight, conical cornutus. The 8th abdominal sternite covers only the posterior part of the segment.

Females have not yet been described.

Similar species

Jordanita globulariae and Jordanita vartianae areoutwardlysimilar to J. fazekasi . J. globulariae also has green shimmering fore wing tops and gray hind wings. In the two similar species, the 8th abdominal sternite covers only half of the segment and thus the long saccular processes. In J. globulariae the cornutus of the bladder is absent, in J. vartainae the cornutus has a different shape and the ventral part of the saccular processes is concave at the tip. J. fazekasi occurs sympatric with J. globulariae at the type locality in Hungary .


Jordanita fazekasi is only known from the type locality in the south of Hungary .


The biology of the species is so far unknown.


Individual evidence

  1. a b c d C. M. Naumann, WG Tremewan: The Western Palaearctic Zygaenidae . 1st edition. Apollo Books, Stenstrup 1999, ISBN 87-88757-15-3 , pp. 289 (English).


  • CM Naumann, WG Tremewan: The Western Palaearctic Zygaenidae . 1st edition. Apollo Books, Stenstrup 1999, ISBN 87-88757-15-3 (English).

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