Jordanita rungsi

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Jordanita rungsi
Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Family : Ram (Zygaenidae)
Subfamily : Green ram (Procridinae)
Genre : Jordanita
Type : Jordanita rungsi
Scientific name
Jordanita rungsi
( Dujardin , 1973)

Jordanita rungsi is a butterfly fromthe ram family (Zygaenidae).


The moths reach a forewing length of 11.9 to 12.2 millimeters in the males and 11.0 to 11.2 millimeters in the females. The head, thorax and abdomen shimmer green. The head and thorax are hairy. The antennae shimmer bluish green and consist of 40 to 42 segments. The upper sides of the forewings shimmer dark green, the hind wings are dark gray and opaque . The undersides of the wings are dark gray and not covered with shiny scales .

In the male, the aedeagus has a rounded and not tapering cornutus. The two praises of the everted Vesica are the same size. The 8th abdominal sternite extends to the rear edge of the segment.

The ostium of the females is wide, the funnel-shaped antrum has a smooth surface and is heavily sclerotized proximally . Distally it is grooved, one half is sclerotized and bulged, the other half is translucent . The distal section of the ductus bursae is curved, kinked and longer than that of Jordanita carolae , Jordanita algirica and Jordanita minutissima . The corpus bursae is egg-shaped.

The egg has not yet been described.

The caterpillar is gray-brown and tinted purple-brown on the sides. The lateroventral area and the abdomen are whitish yellow. The brownish yellow back warts touch in the middle of the back and form large oval spots, which are covered in the middle with black-brown bristles. Ventrad (towards the abdomen) to the back warts is a cream-colored line. The subdorsal and lateral warts are reddish brown, the ventral ones are short and blackish brown.

The pupa is about eight to nine millimeters long and light reddish brown. The cocoon is dull, spindle-shaped, silky white, and is covered with loosely spun silk and earth.

Similar species

In the Middle Atlas in Morocco J. rungsi occurs sympatric with Jordanita algirica . The similar species is about the same size, but has less pointed wings and does not shimmer as intensely green. The hind wings are more translucent, the head and thorax are less hairy. The cornutus of the vesica is longer and has a sharp point distally. The two praises of the everted vesica are not the same size. The 8th abdominal sternite does not extend to the posterior end of the segment. The females can only be distinguished genitally morphologically .


Jordanita rungsi occurs in the central areas of the Middle Atlas in Morocco . The species colonizes dry steppe biotopes at altitudes of 1500 to 2400 meters and is bound to locations with abundant forage vegetation.


The caterpillars live on the safflower species Cartamus calvus . Fully grown caterpillars dig into the tip of the stem at the point where the flower stalks arise. The rear part of the caterpillar looks out of the mine. As a result of the caterpillars being eaten, the last part of the shoot dries up. The caterpillars pupate in a cocoon in the ground. The moths fly from late June to July.


Individual evidence

  1. a b c d C. M. Naumann, WG Tremewan: The Western Palaearctic Zygaenidae . 1st edition. Apollo Books, Stenstrup 1999, ISBN 87-88757-15-3 , pp. 127 (English).


  • CM Naumann, WG Tremewan: The Western Palaearctic Zygaenidae . 1st edition. Apollo Books, Stenstrup 1999, ISBN 87-88757-15-3 (English).

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