José Jiménez Fernández

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José Jiménez Fernández (born February 11, 1943 in Beas de Segura , Jaén province ), was known as a Spanish child actor under the stage name Joselito , who appeared in film and television as well as in the theater as an actor or singer in the 1950s and 1960s.


Joselito appeared in films at the age of 13. In addition to acting, Joselito was a popular child singer. He performed in several countries.

Discography (selection)

  • El ruiseñor (German: The Nightingale)
  • La Campanera (German: The Bell)
  • Dónde estará mi vida (German: Where will my life be)
  • Gorrioncillo pecho amarillo (German: The Sperlingsvogel)
  • En un pueblito español (German: In a Spanish village)
  • Clavelitos (German: Carnations )
  • Doce Cascabeles (German: Twelve Bells)
  • Las Golondrinas (German: The Swallows)
  • El Pastor (German: The Shepherd)
  • Granada (German: Granada)
  • Ave María (German: Ave Maria, Franz Schubert, 1825.)

Filmography (selection)

year Original title role
1956 El pequeño ruiseñor (German: The Little Nightingale) Joselito
1957 Saeta del ruiseñor (German: The song of the nightingale) Joselito
1958 El ruiseñor de las cumbres (German: The nightingale in the mountains) Joselito
1959 Las Aventuras de Joselito y Pulgarcitos (German: The Adventures of Little Thumblings ) Joselito
1959 Escucha mi canción (German: Listen to my song) Joselito
1959 Saeta del ruiseñor (German: The song of the nightingale) Joselito
1960 Aventuras de Joselito en América (German: The adventures of Joselito in America) Joselito
1960 El pequeño coronel (German: The Little Colonel) Joselito Alvear
1961 Los dos golfillos (German: The two rascals)
1961 Bello recuerdo (German: The beautiful memory) Joselito
1962 El caballo blanco (German: The white horse)
1963 El secreto de Tomy (German: Tomi's secret) Tomy
1965 Loca juventud '(German: crazy youth) Joselito
1965 La vida nueva de Pedrito de Andía (German: The new life of Peterchen from Andía) Pedrito de Andía
1966 El falso heredero / Joselito vagabundo borincano (German: The false heir / The tramp from Puerto Rico) Joselito
1969 Prisionero en la ciudad (German: caught in the city) Joselito
1969 El Irreal Madrid (German: Das irreale Madrid) Joselito

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