Josef Kroutvor

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Josef Kroutvor, 2017

Josef Kroutvor (born March 30, 1942 in Prague , Czechoslovakia ) is a Czech art historian, curator and essayist.


Josef Kroutvor was born in what was then the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia . He studied philosophy, history and art history at the Charles University in Prague . After the crackdown on the Prague Spring , he went to France in the autumn of 1968 and studied at the University of Besançon . Back in Prague in 1970 he became a research associate at the Museum of Applied Arts in Prague , specializing in the history of posters . From 1993 he headed the department for commercial graphics and photography . Between 1990 and 1992 he had lectureships on the history of posters and advertising at the University of Applied Sciences and the Faculty of Social Sciences at Charles University.

Kroutvor has curated several exhibitions of Czech photography. He has published a number of essayistic books that " relate the modern world to a bygone world of coffee house culture and dandyism with the skeptic's view ". The book Café fatal is his homage to European coffee house literature . In the book Města a ostrovy (Cities and Islands, Portraits of European Metropolises), Kroutvor returned to Paris , among other places , to confront the image of the former artist's paradise with its current hectic form. Kroutvor's domain is the essay, which he sees as an “adventure of the mind” on the border of several disciplines.

In Fernety , the essay collection of the seventies and eighties, the poem is Fernet included, in which he describes himself as a "black dandy with a narrow mustache, drinking in the Lesser Town Café Absynth, shortly before jumping into the darkness ..."

Fonts (selection)

  • Moderní český plakát, 1918-1945 . Prague: Umělecko průmyslové muzeum v Praze, 1984
  • Potíže s dějinami: eseje . Prague: Prostor, 1990
  • Poselství ulice: z dějin plakátu a proměn doby . Prague: Comet, 1991
  • Egon Schiele . Prague: Odeon, 1991
  • with Monika Faber: Photography of Modernism in Prague 1900 - 1925 . Schaffhausen: Ed. Stemmle, 1991
  • Zelenka, plakáty, architektura, divadlo (an exhibition on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the beginning of the deportations of Jews and the establishment of the ghetto in Theresienstadt). Praha: Uměleckoprůmyslové Museum v Praze, 1992.
  • Kafka's city? Prague in the cycle of dead cities , in: Kurt Krolop (ed.): Kafka and Prague: Colloquium at the Goethe-Institut Prague, November 24-27 , 1992 . Goethe-Institut, Prague 1994, pp. 83-86
  • The Bohemian Forest and Josef Váchal . Prague: Argestea, 1994
  • Fernety: kniha pro milovníky hořkých nápojů: léta sedmdesátá a osmdesátá a také devadesátá . Prague: Torst, 1998
  • Dandy a manekýna . Brno: Vetus via, 1999
  • Města a ostrovy . Prague: Arbor vitae ve spolupráci s nakl. Zdeněk Cibulka-Týnská literární kavárna, 2002


  • Josef Kroutvor , at czechlit (en)
  • Josef Kroutvor , short vita, in: Walter Koshaben u. a. (Ed.): Germans and Czechs: History - Culture - Politics . Munich: Beck, 2003, p. 703

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Josef Kroutvor , at czechlit
  2. The poem is printed in German translation by Czechlit