Josef Meier

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Josef Meier (born November 7, 1874 in Hirschau, † November 28, 1945 in Allentown) from the Catholic Order of the Sacred Heart Missionaries (MSC) was a missionary and ethnologist . He worked in the Bismarck Archipelago in Neupommern , with the coastal inhabitants of the Gazelle Peninsula , d. H. in the north-eastern part of the island of New Britain in Papua New Guinea .


His myths and tales of the coastal inhabitants of the Gazelle Peninsula (in New Pomerania), recorded in the original text and translated into German, contain legends about To Kabinana and To Karvuvu , historical legends, ghost and animal legends as well as legends to illustrate beliefs and customs.

His work on the myths and legends of the Admiralty Islanders in the Bismarck Archipelago is "the first comprehensive collection of authentic documents on the mythology of a Melanesian tribe" (Wilhelm Schmidt).


  • Myths and stories of the coastal inhabitants of the Gazelle Peninsula (New Pomerania). Recorded in the original text and translated into German v. PJ Meier. Aschendorffsche Buchhandlung, Münster 1909 (Anthropos Library, Vol. 1).
  • Primitive peoples and “paradise” state. With special consideration of the earlier conditions in the eastern tribe of the Gazelle Peninsula in the Bismarck Archipelago (New Pomerania). In: Anthropos . Volume 2, 1907, pp. 374-386
  • Myths and legends of the Admiralty Islanders . In: Anthropos . Volume 2, 1907, pp. 646-667 and 933-941; Volume 3, 1908, pp. 193-206 and 651-671; and Volume 4, 1909, pp. 354-374
  • Illegitimate birth among the Gunantuna. Washington, DC, Catholic anthropological conference, 1938.
  • The orphan child among the Gunantuna. In: Publications of the Catholic Anthropological Conference, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 63-128 (1939).
  • Notes on Animism in the Bismarck Archipelago. In: Primitive Man , Vol. 15, No. 3/4, pp. 66-70. Jul - Oct, 1942
  • Reminiscences. A memoir. In: Chronicle , special issue, 1945.


  • W. Schmidt : Basic lines of a comparison of the religions and mythologies of the Austronesian peoples . In: Memoranda (Academy of Sciences in Vienna). Philosophical-historical class. Volume 53, Vienna 1910, pp. 1–142.

Name variants

Josef Meier, P. Jos. Meier, Paul Jos. Meier, Joseph Meier, Paul Joseph Meier, Paul Josef Meier

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