Josef Priebsch

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Josef Priebsch (born October 10, 1866 in Tiefenbach ; † June 18, 1941 ) was an Austrian Romanist , Hispanic and Lusitanist .


Priebsch did his doctorate in Graz with Hugo Schuchardt with a contribution to an Asturian lexicon (Graz 1890, 290 pages). He conducted research in English libraries between 1892 and 1899. He lived in Vienna in 1904. Priebsch taught Romance languages ​​at the Export Academy (today the University of Economics ) in Vienna.

Josef Priebsch was a cousin of the Germanist Robert Priebsch, who worked in England .


  • Old Spanish glosses, in: Journal for Romance Philology 19, 1895, pp. 1–40 (thanks to Robert Priebsch)
  • (Ed.) Pedro de Andrade Caminha, Poesías inéditas , Halle a. S. 1898, Lisbon 1989 (43, 562 pp.)
  • An Anglo-Norman glossary, in: Building blocks for Romance philology. Festschrift for Adolf Mussafia , Halle a. Pp. 1905, pp. 534-556
  • Two old French Marian prayers, in: Modern Language Review 4, 1908, pp. 73-80
  • Three old Lorraine Marian prayers, in: Journal for French Language and Literature 33, 1908, pp. 206–213
  • Las repúblicas hispano-americanas: Trozos selectos relativos a las condiciones geográficas, económicas y comerciales de los países de idioma español arreglados , Vienna 1919 (publications of the Export Academy)
  • French reader for commercial colleges , Vienna 1919
  • Materials for the introduction to the French language , Vienna 1919


  • Carolina Michaëlis de Vasconcellos: Pedro de Andrade Caminha. Contributions to his life and work, based on and following the new edition of Dr. Josef Priebsch, in: Revue hispanique 8, 1901, pp. 338-450
  • Günther Schütz, Epistolario de Rufino José Cuervo con filólogos de Alemania, Austria y Suiza y noticias de las demás relaciones de Cuervo con estos países y sus representantes , 2 vols., Bogotá 1976, pp. 485-498