Hugo Schuchardt

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Hugo Schuchardt

Hugo Ernst Mario Schuchardt (born February 4, 1842 in Gotha , † April 21, 1927 in Graz ) was a German-Austrian Romance studies .


Hugo Schuchardt first studied classical and Romance philology in Jena (member of the Corps Thuringia Jena ) with August Schleicher and from 1861 in Bonn (member of the Corps Hansea Bonn ) with Friedrich Diez and received his doctorate in 1864 with the dissertation De sermonis Romani plebei vocalibus , which he wrote in 1866 –1868 published under the German title Der Vokalismus des Vulgärlateins . After a few years in French-speaking Switzerland and Italy , he completed his habilitation in 1870 at the University of Leipzig with the thesis On some cases of conditional sound change in Churwälschen and the trial lecture on the classification of Romance dialects (printed in 1900). In 1873 he received a professorship in Halle (Saale) , but in 1876 he went to Graz as a professor of Romance studies at the University of Graz , where he worked until his retirement in 1900. He not only dealt with the Romance languages, but also devoted himself to Basque and Creole languages , among other things . In 1885 he was awarded the Prix ​​Volney for his book Slawo-German and Slawo-Italian .

His estate is at the Graz University Library . Already in 1928, a year after his death, was in Graz- Geidorf the Hugo Schuchardt street named after him. In 1956, the former Türkenstraße in Vienna- Floridsdorf (21st district) was renamed Schuchardtstraße .


Schuchardt's works are initially in the tradition of comparative Romance studies, which was founded by Friedrich Diez in Bonn, but Schuchardt turned quite early on against the exclusive application of the phonetic laws developed by the young grammarians . With his work on the vocalism of Vulgar Latin (Leipzig 1866–1868), he lays the foundation for research into the pro-Romanic languages ​​using the language genealogy developed by his teacher August Schleicher . For Schuchardt, the history of words is at the center of historical linguistics, the decisive factor is “research into the causes why the terms and thoughts change their form of expression” (Schuchardt-Brevier 1920, p. 156). Through this view of language change, Schuchardt had a decisive influence on the development of linguistic geography and structuralist linguistics according to Saussure . He is also considered the founder of Creole studies . The wave theory was first introduced by him to the development of language in one of his Leipzig lectures in 1870 in historical linguistics and dialectology.


Fonts (selection)


  • K. Lichem:  Schuchardt Hugo. In: Austrian Biographical Lexicon 1815–1950 (ÖBL). Volume 11, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna 1999, ISBN 3-7001-2803-7 , p. 282 f. (Direct links on p. 282 , p. 283 ).
  • Bernhard Hurch:  Schuchardt, Hugo Ernst Mario. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 23, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 2007, ISBN 978-3-428-11204-3 , pp. 623 f. ( Digitized version ).
  • Jürgen Storost, Hugo Schuchardt . In: Jürgen Storost: 300 years of Romance languages ​​and literatures at the Berlin Academy of Sciences , Frankfurt a. M .: Lang, 2000, part 1, pp. 300-308.
  • Jürgen Storost: Hugo Schuchardt and the founding phase of the Diez Foundation. Voices in letters , Bonn: Romanistischer Verlag, 1992.
  • Bernhard Hurch: Hugo Schuchardt . in: Karl Acham (ed.): Art and humanities from Graz. Works and work of nationally important artists and scholars from the 15th century to the turn of the millennium. Böhlau Verlag, Vienna-Cologne-Weimar 2009 ISBN 978-3-205-77706-9 pp. 493-510

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Karl A. Kubinzky & Astrid M. Wentner: Grazer street names. Origin and meaning. 2nd edition Leykam, Graz 1998, ISBN 3-7011-7382-6 , pp. 204 .
  2. ^ Felix Czeike : Historical Lexicon Vienna . tape 6 . Kremayr & Scheriau / Orac, Vienna 2004, ISBN 3-218-00749-6 , p. 155 .
  3. ^ Bernhard Hurch: From the periphery to the center: Hugo Schuchardt and the innovations in linguistics. In: Karl Acham (Ed.): Art and Science from Graz. Vol. 2.1., Art and Humanities from Graz. Böhlau, Vienna 2009, ISBN 3-205-77706-9 , pp. 1-20