Ulrich Schulz-Buschhaus

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Ulrich Schulz-Buschhaus (born June 16, 1941 in Plettenberg , Westphalia ; † November 5, 2000 in Graz ) was an important Romance philologist in German-speaking countries and is considered one of the most important reviewers beyond Romance literary studies . He has written numerous articles in the field of Italian, French and Spanish literary studies.


Ulrich Schulz-Buschhaus was born on June 16, 1941. He studied Romance and German at the universities in Hamburg , Aix-en-Provence , Florence and Seville . After completing his studies with a dissertation on Italian poetry under the title The Madrigal . He was appointed research assistant in Hamburg on the history of the style of Italian lyric poetry between the Renaissance and the Baroque . In 1971 he came to the University of Trier as an assistant professor ; two years later he was appointed professor. In 1976 Schulz-Buschhaus was appointed to the University of Klagenfurt . In 1989 he was offered a position at the University of Graz , where he worked until the end of his life. In 1993 he became a member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences .


His numerous reviews are of outstanding importance in Schulz-Buschhaus' oeuvre. His interest in the connections between literary forms and worldviews is already evident in his first reviews. Schulz-Buschhaus defends himself against dichotomous systems and contemporary tendencies towards particularization within Romance studies. Within his review work, there are several basic demands on literary studies:

1) the elementary philological qualities

2) the anti-authoritarian attitude

3) the mutual elucidation of historical- hermeneutic and structuralistic- analytical approaches

The research objects of literary history in the narrower sense, which he worked on and cultivated side by side, include the Madrigal of Petrarkism in Romania, the Pastorale , the history of satire from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment with a focus on the Boileau - Voltaire - triad . Parini , the Italian and French manner scripts, moral studies in Spain and France , 19th century realism with the leading figure Flaubert , the literature of the Fin de Siècle in Italy and France as well as some outstanding modern narrators , also programmatically about several Romance literatures distributed: first and foremost Proust , Borges , Vargas Llosa and Calvino , about which he published numerous smaller writings in 1997 as well as an independent publication entitled Between “resa” and “ostinazione”: On Canon and Poetics Italo Calvino . Added to this - surprising for all those who believed their aesthetic curiosity in the field of high literature was limited - a pronounced interest in the genre of crime or detective narration, which is not exactly canonical , and to which he wrote the monograph Forms and Ideologies of the crime novel: Ein has devoted an essay to the history of the genre , which thematically extends far beyond Romania and epistemologically draws an arc from trivial literature to the structures of the avant-garde novel.

In addition, general literary theoretical questions were always the focus of his interest: Problems of defining and delimiting epochs, especially in the areas of Renaissance / Mannerism / Baroque as well as Classical Modernism / "Postavantgarde" (as he liked to say to avoid the polysemous " Postmodern " term) ; the new discussion of genre poetics , which is urgently needed in Italian studies after Croce ; Canon formation and canon evolution in literary studies; the reflection of literary didactic approaches and their ideological implications; Finally, the development of literary historiography and, closely related to this, the self-reflection of the subject, its changing methods , concepts and focuses. This is an unusually broad and yet coherent range of topics which, in the focus of an individual consciousness, exemplarily unites the "multiplicity of culture and unity of life" - this is the main title of one of his last major essays.

The overall picture of his publications corresponds to the diversity of his interests: relatively few monographs , but well over two hundred articles and almost three hundred scientific reviews. He was thus recognized early in his field as a master of scientific essays and reviews, although many of his contributions were so extensive that they sometimes almost reached the size of monographs. Concentrating on the editorially dependent scientific genres, however, had the consequence that these publications were scattered over specialist journals, anthologies and festschrifts, and their character as part of a complete scientific work was therefore less recognizable than their importance would correspond to.


  • The madrigal. On the history of the style of Italian lyric poetry between Renaissance and Baroque. (= Ars poetica ). Gehlen, Bad Homburg 1969.
  • Forms and ideologies of the detective novel. An essay on the history of the genre. (= Focus on Romance studies. 14). Athenaion, Frankfurt am Main 1975.
  • The Canon of Romance Literature Studies. Observations on the history of science on changes in interests and methods. NCO-Verlag, Trier 1975.
  • Literary education - what for. (= Klagenfurt University Speeches. 4). Carinthia, Klagenfurt 1976
  • Flaubert. The rhetoric of silence and the poetics of quotations. (= Ars Rhetorica. 6). LIT, Münster 1995.
  • Between “resa” and “ostinazione”. On the canon and poetics of Italo Calvino. (= Writings and lectures of the Petrarca Institute Cologne / New Series. 1). Narr, Tübingen 1997.
  • Moralistics and Poetics. (= Ars Rhetorica. 8). LIT, Hamburg 1997.
  • Il sistema letterario nella civiltà borghese. Edizioni Unicopli, Milan 1999.


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