Tanguy a lot

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The French author Tanguy Viel at a reading in Osnabrück in November 2015

Tanguy Viel (born July 7, 1973 in Brest ) is a Breton-French writer who is best known for his thriller and crime novels.

life and work

Tanguy Viel grew up in Brest until he was twelve and then went to high school in Bourges . During his studies in Tours , he met François Bon , who became his mentor and opened the doors for him to the Éditions de Minuit publishing house , which published almost all of his previous books. After spending some time in Nantes, Tanguy Viel currently (2009) lives in Meung-sur-Loire .

For his first novel Le Black Note , he chose jazz as the core motif, then film making ( Cinéma ) and “ Roman noir ” ( Insoupçonnable ). He is known for a “precise, tension-laden and elliptical style ” and for books that are rich in content and not very long. He wrote his fourth novel, Unspockable , the story of a family intrigue , as "Author in Residence" at the Villa Medici , the renowned French national cultural institute in Rome. Most recently (2013) he published La Disparition de Jim Sullivan (English title: The Disappearance of Jim Sullivan).

So far (2014) four of his works have been published in German. They were transmitted by Hinrich Schmidt-Henkel , who is known for his excellent Céline translation work , and were published by Wagenbach Verlag .


Awards (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Report on the website of the city of Carhaix-Plowen: Tanguy Viel et son Paris-Brest remportent le prix carhaisien ( Memento of December 5, 2009 in the Internet Archive )
  2. ^ Wagenbach-Verlag: Author entry
  3. a b c Institut français Bremen: Text of the event on the reading by the author in November 2007 ( Memento from February 10, 2009 in the Internet Archive )
  4. pagesdefrance.de
  5. Literaturkritik.de of September 20, 2007: Review of Unverdächtig