Prix ​​littéraire de la Vocation

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The Prix ​​littéraire de la Vocation was created in 1976 by the Marcel Bleustein-Blanchet Foundation to make it easier for young French-speaking novelists between the ages of 18 and 30 to start their careers as writers.

It was presented annually in June on the terraces of the “Drugstore Publicis Champs-Elysée” and was endowed with 50,000 francs. Today you receive 7,700 euros in prize money. The address of the Fondation Marcel Bleustein-Blanchet pour la Vocation is: 104 rue de Rennes, 75006 Paris.

According to the regulations, the author's publisher must submit a copy of the work that was newly published the previous year between January and the end of April. The original French must be , translations will not be accepted. A jury then chooses. The winner receives half of the prize money in June, the other half in December.

Award winners

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Liberation of June 15, 2000: Benjamin Berton, prix littéraire de la Vocation
  2. a b c
  4. international literature festival berlin : guest of the ilb 2006

Web links