Josef ibn Zaddik

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Josef ben Jakob ibn Zaddik (born around 1075; died 1149 in Córdoba ) was a Spanish rabbi , poet and philosopher and a respected Talmudist .

From 1138 he was Dajjan in Cordoba, together with Maimon, the father of Maimonides . His reputation is based in particular on his religious-philosophical writings (Arabic al-alam al-saghir , Hebrew translated: sefer ha-olam ha-qatan , "book of the microcosm": comparison of macro- and microcosm ), which are in the spirit of Neoplatonism in tradition of Isaac Israeli and Solomon ibn Gabirol and in particular under the influence of the teachings of the " honest brothers ".

The “Lauteren Brüder” (Arabic ihwan as-safa) were groups of an ascetic way of life and an internalized religiosity within a mystical-Neoplatonic trend - Sufism - of 10/11. Century in Islam . Their influence was considerable and also encompassed Jewish circles - in addition to Josef ibn Zaddik, for example, Bachja ibn Pakuda , whose writings were very widespread.

Also active as a poet , Josef ibn Zaddik was friends with greats like Yehuda ha-Levi .


  • The microcosm of Josef ibn Saddik . Edited by Saul Horovitz. Schatzky-Verlag, Breslau 1903.
  • Yonah David: שירי יוסף אבן צדיק [ The Poems of Joseph Ibn Zaddik ]. American Academy of Jewish Research, New York 1982.
  • Teresa Alsina Trias, Gregorio del Olmo Lete: El Diwán de Yosef ibn Ṣaddiq según la edición crítica de Yonah David. Editorial Ausa, Sabadell 1987.

Literature (selection)