Josep Lluís Pons i Gallarza

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Josep Lluís Pons i Gallarza, 1892

Josep Lluís Pons i Gallarza (born August 24, 1823 in Sant Andreu de Palomar (today in Barcelona ), † August 22, 1894 in Sóller ( Mallorca )) was a Catalan poet. Pons was one of the initiators for the revival of the romantic poetry competition of the Jocs Florals of Barcelona in the 19th century.

Pons was the son of a Mallorcan father and a Spanish mother who settled in Barcelona. He studied philosophy and humanities as well as law in Barcelona and obtained his licentiate in humanities in 1843 and in law in 1850. In 1849 he followed Pau Piferrer to the rhetoric chair at the Barcelona Institute. In 1861 he settled in Palma (Mallorca), where he worked as a professor of history and geography at the Institute of the Balearic Islands. Here he wrote important textbooks for his students, including the writers Joan Alcover , Miquel dels Sants Oliver , Mateu Obrador , Bartomeu Ferrà and Gabriel Maura . He wrote introductory works to the study of classical Latin and Spanish literature.

In 1859 he was one of the seven initiators of the revival of the Jocs Florals of Barcelona. In 1867 he was appointed Gai Saber , master of the cheerful science of the Jocs Florals of Barcelona . In the years 1870 and 1878 he was president of these Jocs Florals himself . In Mallorca he headed the Ateneu Balear cultural association . He was the founder of the magazine Revista Balear and director of the successor organ Museo Balear (1875–1877; 1884–1888).

His brief activity as a Catalan-language poet - some early Castilian poems have remained unpublished - is formally characterized by a remarkable perfection. He wrote verse in classical meters and a specially chosen language. On the other hand, poems like L'alfang and La mort dels Montcades are characterized by a pronounced classicism, although thematically and in the vocal range for the Flower Games in Barcelona. In them one finds the best expression of his visions of the Mallorcan landscape. Particularly successful poems of this kind are Els tarongers de Sóller (The Orange Trees of Sóller) and L'olivera mallorquina (The Mallorcan Olive Tree). Poems on a completely different subject such as Lluita de braus (The fight of the bulls) appear in his lyrical work.

His literary work was only partially published in 1892 by Lectura Popular publishing house in Palma. A complete edition was not published until 1975.


Web links

Wikisource: Josep Lluís Pons i Gallarza  - Sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. Daily life data according to: Joan Clapés i Corbera: Biografies . In: Fulles Històriques de Sant Andreu de Palomar . 2nd Edition. 1984, p. 64-72 .