Joseph Johann Wagner

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Joseph Johann Wagner

Joseph Johann Wagner (usually called Joseph Wagner , born May 25, 1813 in Dattenhausen , † September 14, 1890 in Dillingen ) was an economist (farmer) and a member of the German Reichstag .


After training in agriculture, Joseph Wagner worked as a farmer in Dillingen on his farm, which he handed over to his son in 1871. For many years he was the mayor of Dattenhausen near Dillingen and a member of the Bavarian Chamber of Deputies from 1849 to 1855 and from 1859 to 1875 for the Dillingen constituency. From 1871 to 1874 he was a member of the German Reichstag , where he represented the constituency of Schwaben 3 (Dillingen). In the Reichstag he joined the faction of the Liberal Reich Party .


His older brother was Johann Evangelist Wagner , priest, professor of theology and founder of the institution for the deaf and dumb in Dillingen.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Helmut Steinsdorfer: Die Liberale Reichspartei (LRP) from 1871 . Steiner, Stuttgart 2000, ISBN 3-515-07566-6 , p. 470.
  2. ^ Fritz Specht, Paul Schwabe: The Reichstag elections from 1867 to 1903. Statistics of the Reichstag elections together with the programs of the parties and a list of the elected representatives. 2nd Edition. Carl Heymann Verlag, Berlin 1904, p. 215.

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