Joseph Salvat

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Joseph Salvat (born November 8, 1889 in Rivel, Département Aude , † December 29, 1972 in Surba ) was a French canon, Romanist and Occitanist .

life and work

Salvat was ordained a priest in 1912. He studied Occitan language and literature with Joseph Anglade at the Institut d'Etudes méridionales in Toulouse and preached frequently in Occitan. Together with the poet Prosper Estieu (1860–1939), he founded the Collège d'Occitanie in Toulouse in 1927 and became Majoral des Félibrige . In 1930 he was accepted into the Académie des jeux floraux in Toulouse. From 1936 to 1958 he was professor of Occitan language and literature (successor: Ernest Nègre ) at the Catholic Institute of Toulouse , where Rita Lejeune was one of his students in the early 1940s . From 1962 until his death he was president of the 'Escòla Occitana' founded in 1919. Since 1940 he has been the managing editor of her magazine Lo Gai Saber. Revista de l'Escòla Occitana and remained so until his death.

On June 9, 1944, he was arrested by the German occupiers and (like his colleague Élie Decahors ) deported to the Neuengamme concentration camp (MAT Neuengamme 36228), which he survived because he was classified as a celebrity (personnalité-otage). He reported about it in the posthumous diary Mon Diurnal de la deportacion 1944-1945 , ed. by Ernest Nègre (Toulouse 1975).

Salvat was Knight of the Legion of Honor (1969).


  • Le poète Auguste Fourès [1848-1891]. Sa vie et son œuvre. Suivies d'un choix de poésies, Castelnaudary 1927, Toulouse 1974
  • Paroles chrétiennes. Texts occitan et traduction française, Toulouse 1934
  • Grammaire occitane [= Gramatica occitana], Toulouse 1943; Grammaire occitane des parlers languedociens, Toulouse 1951, 1973; 1978, ed. by Ernest Nègre , 1998 (developed from 1924 to 1934)
  • Étude sur Pèire Godolin. Oeuvres de Pèire Godolin, choisies et annotées, Toulouse 1950
  • "La Grenade entr'ouverte" d'Aubanel. Etude historique et littéraire, Avignon 1960
  • Philadelphe de Gerde, Toulouse 1963
  • (Translator) Ordo missae. Traduccion occitana, Toulouse 1970


  • Institut catholique de Toulouse. Pèlerins de bagne: Saint-Michel, Compiègne, Neuengamme, Teresin, Brezany, ed. by Élie Decahors et Félix Buffière [1914-2004], Toulouse 1945
  • Pierre Causse, Eloge du chanoine Joseph Salvat, félibre-majoral, 1889-1972, Lunel 1976
  • Louis Mavit [1912-2000], Le Collège d'Occitanie. Un cinquantenaire, 1927-1977, Toulouse 1978
  • Joseph Salvat 1889-1972. Actes du colloque de Rivel et Chalabre, 6 and 7 May 1989, publiés avec la participation de l'Escòla Occitana, Toulouse, Béziers 1991
  • Jean Fourié, Dictionnaire des auteurs de langue d'oc de 1800 à nos jours, 2nd edition, Aix-en-Provence 2009 sv
  • Robèrt Faure, Josèp Salvat, Tolosa 1997

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