Joseph de Mose Piza

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Joseph de Mose Piza (born February 28, 1824 in Altona , † September 26, 1879 in Hamburg ) was a German rabbi , cantor , journalist and translator .

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Joseph de Mose Piza completed a degree in philosophy at the University of Göttingen and the University of Heidelberg . He then taught as a teacher in Oldenburg. In 1854 he received a call from the Israelite Free School , where he gave language lessons. From 1855 he worked with David Meldola as cantor at the New Israelite Temple Association. Both were members of the Portuguese Jewish community. From 1859 Piza worked there as chief cantor. From 1863 to 1869 he was a member of the Hamburg Parliament .

Piza was very popular as a religion teacher. His former student Ferdinand Meisel noted in his 1917 memoir: “Our religion teacher Dr. Piza was an excellent man who mastered the German language. His stately figure, his magnificent, dark beard, his wonderful organ are unforgettable to me. "

As a translator, Piza dedicated herself to the novel Marie Henriquez Morales by Grace Aguilar in 1856 . In 1876 he published the "Catalog of the Library of the Five United Lodges in Hamburg", which is now considered lost. In 1862 he became editor of the Norddeutsche Volksblatt . From 1864 to 1871 he edited the magazine Freischütz together with Isaac Salomon Meyer . In 1872 he took over the editorial management of the Reform , which was one of the few Jewish papers in Hamburg.

After the Hamburg constitution of 1860 came into force, which provided for a separation of church and state, Piza took over the state-mandated confirmation of four boys and one girl in 1866. Ernst Philipp Karl Lange honored Piza in 1867 with the novel Jane, the Jewess .


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