Josse van Lom

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Josse van Lom , also: Jodocus Lommius (* early 16th century in Buren , Gelderland ; † unknown), was Philip II's personal physician and author of several important medical works.

Little is known about his life. He is said to have been born in Buren, in the county of Geldern . His father was the secretary of Floris van Egmond and his son Maximilian von Egmond .


He studied medicine in Paris, where he learned from Fernel and whose friendship he also acquired. He completed his habilitation in Tournai , where he was appointed city doctor in 1557. He then went on to Brussels in 1560 and became Philip II's personal physician . His last sign of life comes from September 1562.


  • 1558, “Commentarii de tuenda sanitate”, (2nd edition: 1734, 3rd edition: 1761) 1761
  • 1560, "Oberservationum medicarum libri tres", (10 later editions, the last 1752), digitized 1726
  • 1563, “De curandis febribus continuis liber”, (four later editions, the last 1761), digitized 1745
  • 1745, “Jodoci Lommii Commentarii de sanitate tuenda in primum librum de re medica Aurel. Cornelii Celsi: cum indicibus necessariis “, (Editio nova emendatissima, cum indice rerum et verborum accuratissimo) Digitized edition of the University and State Library Düsseldorf

In 1746 the summary appeared in 3 volumes in Amsterdam: “Opera omnia Jod. Lommii ”.

Guy-Crescent Fagon , personal physician to Louis XIV , was an avid reader.
