Juan Eduardo Zúñiga

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Juan Eduardo Zúñiga (born January 24, 1919 , according to other sources 1929 in Madrid ; † February 24, 2020 there ) was a Spanish writer . He studied humanities, specializing in Slavic and 19th century Spanish literature. He was best known for his three volumes on people in the Spanish Civil War .

Works (selection)

  • Largo noviembre de Madrid ( Long November in Madrid ), 1980
  • La tierra será un paraíso (The earth will be a paradise ), 1989
  • Capital de la gloria , 2003 (German translation: City of Fame , Translated by Eva Steiner, Stockmann Verlag Austria, 2007, ISBN 978-39501612-7-4 )

Individual evidence

  1. La voz de los vencidos El País December 29, 2018, accessed January 24, 2019 (Spanish)
  2. ^ Intervención de José Luis López Muñoz . Page 7. Spanish Ministry of Culture and Sport. Retrieved January 25, 2019 (PDF file)
  3. Juan Eduardo Zúñiga . Spanish Ministry of Culture and Sport. Retrieved January 25, 2019
  4. Bénédicte Vauthier: Las teorías sobre los "ciclos de cuentos integrados" a prueba de cuatro Cuentarios sobre la "Destrucción del idilio de la tierra natal" by Juan Eduardo Zúñiga. In: Hispanófila Vol. 179 (January 2016), doi : 10.1353 / hsf.2017.0005 , p. 45.
  5. ^ Muere el escritor Juan Eduardo Zúñiga. In: elpais.com. February 24, 2020, accessed February 24, 2020 (Spanish). Muere el escritor Juan Eduardo Zúñiga a los 101 años. In: abc.es. February 24, 2020, accessed on February 24, 2020 .