Juan Fermín de Aycinena y Aycinena

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Juan Fermín de Aycinena y Aycinena (born March  28, 1838 in Guatemala City , †  January 10, 1898 in Guatemala City) was a Guatemalan poet .


Juan Fermín de Aycinena came from one of the most colorful and influential families of late colonial and early independent Guatemala. He was the son of the lawyer and politician Pedro de Aycinena y Piñol and María Dolores de Aycinena y Micheo , the two grandsons of Juan Fermín de Aycinena e Irigoyén , 1st Marqués de Aycinena, founder and owner of the largest trading house and richest man in Central America were. His uncle, the titular bishop Dr. Juan José de Aycinena y Piñol , 3rd Marqués de Aycinena, was arguably the most influential figure within the Catholic Church and the conservativeParty of Guatemala in the first decades after independence. Aycinena was married to María Antonia Payés , with whom he had two daughters.

Juan Fermín de Aycinena attended the private school of Juan de Urrutia y Zárate and the Jesuit college "Seminario Tridentino" in Guatemala City and then studied law at the Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala . After completing his studies, he worked as a lawyer and notary in Guatemala City.

In addition to his legal work, Aycinena devoted himself to poetry and also wrote satires, dramas and fables. Many of his works were published under various pseudonyms in the newspapers "El Porvenir", "La Patria", "La Fe", "La Semana Católica" and "La Republica". In 1887 he was one of the initiators of the founding of the Guatemalan Academy of Language , of which he was a member until his death.

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Works (selection)

  • Oda a Pio IX (1877)
  • Enfermomanía (1887)
  • Adiutrici christianorum (1896)