Judas Barsabbas

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Judas Barsabbas was an early Christian who is mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles as an emissary of the Council of Apostles to Antioch , where he was supposed to announce the results to the Christian community there.


Judas Barsabbas is mentioned in Acts 15:22  EU . There it says that the apostles and elders of the council of Jerusalem and the entire community there had appointed two men from among their number to accompany Paul and Barnabas to Antioch to announce to the Christians the decisions of the council, namely that circumcision is not a condition in order to become a Christian, so that Christianity opened up to the mission of the Gentiles. The two companions of Paul and Barnabas were Judas Barsabbas and Silas . While Silas stayed in Antioch afterwards, Judas returned to Jerusalem. He is also referred to as a prophet in the Acts of the Apostles . Since he has the same surname as Joseph Barsabbas , it is believed that the two were brothers.

Like his brother, Judas Barsabbas is venerated as a saint. His feast day is April 10th .


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