Judenspiegel - A painting of shame and morals, old and new

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The Jewish Mirror - A disgraceful and genre paintings, ancient and modern is the German authors and anti-Semites Hartwig von Hundt-Radowsky 1819 authored book . It is considered a radical, early anti-Semitic pamphlet .


In the early 19th century, anti-Jewish authors made considerable literary agitation in order to polemicize against bourgeois equality of Jews . Among other things, they referred to the supposedly ineradicable, depraved Jewish character and ascribed collective and unchangeable negative characteristics to the Jews. At the preliminary climax of these anti-Jewish campaigns , the Jewish mirror appeared in November 1819, with a clear reference to the immediately preceding Hep-Hep riots . It was first published by the publisher Bernhard Friedrich Voigt in the Principality of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen . While Hundt-Radowsky was an open author, the publisher disguised himself with the speaking pseudonym Christian Schlagehart.

A reference to the Hep-Hep-Pogrome, Würzburg, is given as the alleged place of publication . The circulation was 5,000 and was sold out in a short time. According to the author Hundt, another 5,000 copies were published just three weeks later. In Prussia, Bavaria and Saxony a sales ban was immediately imposed because of "disturbing religious peace". In the Kingdom of Württemberg, on the other hand, where there was a relative freedom of the press and publication, reprints that were not authorized by the publisher were allowed until 1836. The Reutlingen publisher Jakob Noa Enßlin took advantage of these circumstances and reprinted the full text of the Judenspiegel in 1821 against Hundt's protest. In the same year an abbreviated edition from the printer Daniel Wagner came onto the market in Ulm.

Even before this Württemberg reprint, Hundt was planning a new edition of the Judenspiegel , expanded by a second volume ; the preparatory work was completed in spring 1821. After Enßlin's reprint, he renounced the project and incorporated the additions into his “main anti-Semitic work”, the three-volume Jewish school (1822 to 1823). The confusion about the publisher, "James Griphi", who has recently appeared anonymously, and the fictitious place of publication (Jerusalem and London, but in truth Aarau or even the Stuttgart publisher JB Metzler) has not yet been clarified. The Jewish School is one of the most extensive anti-Semitic writings. According to Hundt's biographer Peter Fasel, the “madness” is preceded by a copperplate engraving showing a so-called Judensau , whose teats are greedily sucked by several Jews. It can be assumed that this illustration was intended for the expanded edition of the Judenspiegel . A romanticizing, trivializing engraving was already added to the Enßlin reprint, which should refer to the biblical story and which can be interpreted iconologically as the way to Bethlehem.

In Vienna in 1848 an anonymous publisher published the Judenspiegel under the title “ The Natural History of the Jews ” without reference to Hundt-Radowsky . Memoirs on the Emancipation Question of the Jews ”in a shortening that only covers the first five chapters. In the introduction he made the Jews responsible for the revolutionary unrest.


Illustration from the Enßlin reprint

Hundt-Radowsky's original Jewish mirror is divided into 14 chapters:

  1. What were the Jews?
  2. What are the Jews?
  3. The Jews as citizens
  4. The Jews as merchants, money changers and peddlers
  5. The Jews as artists, manufacturers and craftsmen
  6. The Jew as a bookseller
  7. The Jew as a scholar
  8. The Jew as a great and a beautiful spirit
  9. Aaron Cohn and Adolph Marcus Schleswicher; or the Jews as aesthetes and dramaturges
  10. The Jew as a doctor and pharmacist
  11. The Jew as Edelman
  12. The Jew as a soldier
  13. Saul Jsaschar and Aaron Marcus Schleswichers Sensible Thoughts on Freedom of Trade
  14. Reflections on the improvement, extermination and expulsion of the Jews

Hundt-Radowsky described the Jews in his work as "sub-humans" and "vermin". Particularly emphasized today are Hundt-Radowsky's four demands listed in Section 14, to sell all Jews as slaves to the English who should use them in their overseas colonies, to let them work underground in mines, to castrate them and to castrate the Jewish women as Employing prostitutes in brothels , in which they discourage clients from having sex outside of marriage because of their alleged smell of garlic and onions, thus contributing to morality. The author closes chapter 14 with the words:

“It would be best, however, to clean the land completely from the vermin, and there are also two ways of doing this.
Either to annihilate them entirely, or, like the Pharaoh who made Meininger, Würzburger and Frankfurter, chase them out to the country ...
Although I, in my place, killing a Jew neither for sin nor for a crime, but consider it merely a police offense, I will never advise condemning and punishing them unheard, as it now seems to be becoming the fashion in other cases. "


  • Peter Fasel: Revolt and murder of Jews. Hartwig von Hundt-Radowsky (1780-1835), biography of a demagogue . Metropol-Verlag, Berlin 2010, ISBN 978-3-938690-23-9 .

Individual evidence

  1. Peter Fasel: Revolt and murder of Jews .
  2. Peter Fasel: Revolte und Judenmord , p. 172, note 209.
  3. a b Peter Fasel: Revolte und Judenmord , p. 185
  4. Hartwig von Hundt-Radowsky: Die Judenschule, or thorough instructions on how to become a completely black or white Jew in a short time , Jerusalem [rather Aarau] in the new bookshop, [1822]. Illustration: [1]
  5. Peter Fasel: Revolte und Judenmord , p. 174, note 218.
  6. Peter Fasel: Revolte und Judenmord , p. 176.
  7. Ludger Heid: Paranoid Demagoge - A book about the anti-Semite Hartwig von Hundt-Radowsky. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung from 19./20. June 2010.
  8. Dr. Hans-Joachim Bechtoldt, contribution to a course of the Evangelical Theological Faculty of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Seminar for Jewish Studies (PDF; 1.2 MB) in May 2008

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