Judith Hartenstein

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Judith Hartenstein (* 1964 in Bonn ) is a German Protestant theologian .


In 1983 she began studying Protestant theology in Bonn and Berlin . In 1991 she passed the first theological examination at the Evangelical Church in the Rhineland . In 1997 she was at the Humboldt University of Berlin to Dr. theol. PhD. She then completed her vicariate at the Evangelical Church in the Rhineland. From 1999 to 2001 she worked as an assistant at the Wuppertal Church University (with Klaus Haacker ). In 2001 she was ordained and received a position as an assistant at the University of Marburg (with Angela Booth Hartinger ), where they in 2006 in the subject New Testament habilitated . After a short activity as a pastor for employment in the Evangelical Church in the Rhineland from 2007, interrupted by professorships and visiting professorships in Mainz and Berlin, in 2010 she received a position as a teacher for special tasks at the University of Koblenz-Landau , Koblenz campus. Since October 2013 she has been teaching there (on the Landau campus) as a professor of Protestant theology with a focus on the New Testament and religious education .

Fonts (selection)

  • The second lesson. Appearances of the risen Christ as a framework for early Christian dialogues . Berlin 2000, ISBN 3-05-003534-X .
  • Characterization in dialogue. Maria Magdalena, Peter, Thomas and the mother of Jesus in the Gospel of John in the context of other early Christian representations . Göttingen 2007, ISBN 3-525-53987-8 .
  • as editor with Silke Petersen and Angela Standhartinger : "An ordinary and harmless dish"? From the developments of early Christian sacrament traditions . Gütersloh 2008, ISBN 3-579-08027-X .
  • as editor with Michaela Bauks and Katharina Galor : Gender and Social Norms in Ancient Israel, Early Judaism and Christianity. Texts and Material Culture . Göttingen 2018, ISBN 352555267X .

Web links