Youth policy

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Youth policy should shape the living conditions of young people taking into account their needs and concerns. Most parties have outlined their youth policy ideas in their party programs. Many youth work agencies have also positioned themselves on topics of youth policy and youth work and published statements on them. There are committees, bodies, working groups, youth rings , youth associations and loose associations at the various government levels . The federal, state and municipal levels are among the most important structures.

Federal level

Youth work at the federal level

At the federal level, there are currently 24 youth associations, the 16 regional youth associations and 5 affiliated associations in the working group of the German Federal Youth Association. He is responsible for representing interests in youth politics at the federal level. The working group for child and youth welfare - AGJ is the amalgamation of the various agencies of youth welfare . There are also other associations such as B. the German National Committee for International Youth Work (DNK). The state youth associations network their work twice a year within the framework of the conference of state youth associations.

Youth policy at the federal level

The responsible Federal Ministry is the Federal Ministry for Family, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth . Some questions and tasks of youth policy can also fall within the remit of other ministries.

The state level

Youth work at state level (using the example of Lower Saxony)

In Lower Saxony there are over 80 youth associations organized nationwide, some of which have come together in umbrella associations (such as the AEJN working group of Evangelical Youth in Lower Saxony or the BDKJ - Federation of Catholic Youth). Most of these associations are members of the Landesjugendring Niedersachsen eV The Landesjugendring networks their work and represents the interests of youth work and young people towards politics, administration and the public. In addition, there are other organizations at the state level (e.g. sports youth, regional association for cultural youth education), which, like AEJN and BDKJ, act as umbrella organizations for individual areas.

Youth policy at state level (using the example of Lower Saxony)

At the state level, youth policy is affiliated with the Lower Saxony Ministry for Social Affairs, Women, Family and Health. Accordingly, youth work is discussed in the Landtag's social committee. The State Advisory Board for Youth Work, which is anchored in the Youth Promotion Act, is specially designed for youth work. As a subordinate and executive authority, there has been the "Child, Youth and Family Section" in the State Office for Social Affairs, Youth and Family since January 1, 2007, which has taken over the tasks of the dissolved Lower Saxony State Youth Office for youth work. The state advisory board for children and youth welfare acts as an advisory body, replacing the previous state youth welfare committee. All 4 parliamentary groups in the Lower Saxony state parliament have elected youth policy spokespersons.

The municipal level

Youth work at the local level

The vast majority of offers for children and young people are offered by the youth work organizations at local level. Youth associations, youth groups and initiatives do most of the work as independent organizations and are supplemented by public youth work (city and district youth care). The district, city, (velvet) community and local youth associations are the amalgamations of youth associations and groups in the respective regional authority and represent the interests of youth organizations and young people towards politics and the public.

Youth policy at the local level

Every district and every urban district must have a youth welfare office . The youth welfare office is two-tiered and consists of the administration and the youth welfare committee . In the youth welfare committee, the independent organizations involved in youth work are also entitled to apply and vote. In addition, there are committees in many cities and municipalities in which youth work is advised (e.g. Committee on Social Affairs, Youth and Sport). There are also other working groups in which youth work plays a role in many places, for example prevention councils or local Agenda21 groups.

Youth policy at European level

The European Union has only limited competence in youth policy. Decisions are made unanimously. Nevertheless, the European Commission in particular tries to work with youth organizations. The European Youth Forum is funded accordingly. The work of the Council of Europe is also underestimated in this context .

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Further links to current politics in the European Movement Network