Juhan Juerme

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Juhan Jürme (until 1938 John Jurgenson , March 8 * . Jul / 20th March  1896 greg. In Tallinn ; †  25. March 1943 ) was an Estonian composer.


Juhan Jürme graduated from the Tallinn Conservatory (now the Estonian Music and Theater Academy ) in 1927, studying composition with Artur Kapp and organ with August Topman . He then worked as a ( cinema ) pianist, organist, choir director and composer. From 1942 until his untimely death, Jürme was a lecturer at the Tallinn Conservatory. In 1943 he was killed in a Soviet bombing raid on Tallinn.

Juhan Jürme is best known as a composer of vocal symphonic works on biblical subjects. He also wrote the oratorio Nebuchadnetsar (1937), the opera Võõras veri (1939) and the well-known cantatas Pärast püha õhtusöömaaega (1927) and Memento mori (1933). His choral and orchestral piece Rukkirääk (1937) is particularly popular and is not missing at any Estonian song festival .

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  1. Eesti elulood. Tallinn: Eesti Entsüklopeediakirjastus 2000 (= Eesti Entsüklopeedia 14) ISBN 9985-70-064-3 , p. 122
  2. Short biography ( Memento from April 27, 2001 in the Internet Archive )