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Jukuren (dt. Experienced ) is understood in German-speaking countries as karate for people aged 35+ and is often equated with karate for late beginners. It is a popular sport with the goals of fitness and health . Traditional karate is trained with kata and partner exercises, but no or hardly any Jiyu-Kumite . The movements are carried out more slowly than in youth training. There are regular jukur courses and there are jukur groups in general karate clubs as well as their own jukur clubs.

In Japan , however , jukurs are higher dan bearers.

In Germany, the karate pioneer Fritz Nöpel is very involved in the field of jukuren and has also developed a special kata, jukuren no kata .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Fritz Nöpel: Jukuren - Interview with Fritz Nöpel. (PDF) German Karate Association , April 10, 2005, accessed on January 29, 2017 .