Julie Tatham

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Julie Tatham (born June 1, 1908 in Flushing as Julie Campbell , † July 7, 1999 in Alexandria , New York ) was an American writer who became popular through various youth book series. Her most popular youth book series was Trixie Belden .

Julie Campbell was the daughter of an American Army officer with whom she traveled extensively in her childhood. She won a writing competition at the age of eight.

On March 30, 1933, she married Charles Tatham Jr., with whom she wrote for numerous magazines and also wrote short stories. In the 1940s she had her own publishing agency. When the large publishing house Western Publishing was looking for low-priced authors for children's book series, she applied with a total of four series, including Trixie Belden , two of which she wrote herself and two more left to her own authors, Hal Burton and Henry Cutler.

Under her maiden name Julie Campbell she published the two series Ginny Gordon and Trixie Belden with Western Publishing from 1948 to 1956 . During this time she also took on the series Cherry Ames and Vicki Barr , which were published under her married name Julie Tatham.

After writing six volumes of the very successful Trixie Belden series , she sold the rights to the characters to Western Publishing, who let ghostwriters continue the series . After that, Campbell no longer appeared as a writer.

She died a widow at the age of 91 years in Alexandria in the US state of New York .

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